It's great to have mates

Spring is a tricky one for Dunedin.  Its promise of warmer days is rarely delivered. In its place, low-hanging mist from the south-east and gusty northerlies from, well, the north.  But every now and then the gods will look the other way and offer some morning glass.

For more avian adoration go to: SouthIslandBirds


Love how these Torea hang out together, thick as thieves.  There's usually a bigger crew prodding the harbour floor hoovering morsels; but two were plenty for me.

After not too long they were joined by a couple of Bullers Albatross.

Never ones to shy from the camera, along came a pair of Putakitaki.

At my request, the feathered ones congregated to commemorate the morning of spring glass.   

Post Script.  

On my ride home from work, on the other side of the harbour, look who I should find hanging out pecking for grubs on the foreshore. I can't be sure they were the same pair but there's something sweet about how tightly they hangout together.  It's great to have mates.

Pictures by DH at Otago Harbour Andy Bay Inlet and the south-west harbour mouth.
